Political Environment
To the background of the research
In itself, cultural -historical research makes an unproblematic impression. If the academic processing tool is present, the decision is made regarding the processing status and after reading the existing literature, the source situation and findings provide the direction.
With regard to the sound system, the fact that nothing changes in the physics of the string vibration over the centuries and only the names vary. A numbering is clearly recognizable as such, as well as a structure according to alphabet.
Against this background, deviations are particularly eye -catching, e.g. C major as a starting card without a sign
From C - not from A! - If it is "down" in the bass key, in the violin key "up"
Schaum Keyfinder (Detail)
- The name Oktav for an interval, which consists of 5 all -tone and two half -tone steps - in another reading from 12 half -tone steps. Mathematically, you would get 6 in both variants! See also Video VII: "How the Oktav came to your name".
- The name Prim with the value zero.
There must be reasons for such deviations.
Church influence
The same applies to analogies that indicate a different context, e.g. the idea of high and deep tones - which are not at all - as well as the designation of the scale. From the cultural -historical context it becomes clear that we are dealing with an analogy to the Jakobleiter. The findings are supported by written sources, also by those of the enlighteners who defended themselves against any influence of the Church. Musical requirements and theological interpretation can be distinguished - also creed (e.g. J.S. Bach, see blog C3) and indoctrination. The majority of the blog posts and video presentations of this page are devoted to the different facets and the contextualization of these phenomena.
Now the results are available and reach political decision -makers. Above this - and the debate regarding the acceptance of religious symbols in classrooms - reports B13 and B14 as well as the buttons: objectives and news. With the recognition of the results, it becomes problematic, especially in the legal sense, it is only the traditional certificates that make up a cultural heritage.
- Who is it entitled to be censor about historical facts and at the same time about the basis of understanding a school subject - while at the same time allocation?
- What about the curricula? Can one generation of the other knowledge to be withheld?
- What are the conflicts exposed to migrant children, their parents and teachers?
The church traditions in Switzerland
The historical Christian anchoring of Switzerland is particularly striking at two points: on the bodyguard parked for protecting the Pope since 1506 - every guardsman does a oath to stand up for its security with the use of his life, if necessary, with the use of his life,
Swearing in the papal Swiss guard
In addition, on the architecture of the parliamentary building with the cross -shaped floor plan of the dome hall and the gilded cross on the roof lantern.
Roof lantern of the parliamentary building in Bern
Switzerland today
Switzerland's self -image includes their neutrality and their commitment to political conflict solutions and after religious confessions can be seen as a provocation, it apparently seemed appropriate to reinterpret the historically existing symbols. In their explanation from the Christian Cross, the following pictograms make a "plus" - i.e. you are striving for a positive connotation of the suffering tool - and replace the deaf of the Holy Spirit with the dust of peace.
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs EDA
Pablo Picasso, dove of peace 1961
Lorenzo Bernini, dove of the Holy Spirit, Petersdom, Rome
Aurelius Augustine is considered 7 gifts of St. We encounter a pigeon with an olive branch as a privacy to a positive message - namely about the decline in the flood - in the history of Noah (1 Mos 8:11). In antiquity, the deaf of the goddess of love Aphrodite was consecrated. Accordingly, it is not a creation of a younger date and the ethical demands are not higher today. There is no shortage of further examples and variants.
Ceiling mosaic in the baptistery of Albenga, Liguria, 5th century. Triple Christ monogram ☧ Chi RHO in 3 concentric circles with three times alpha and omega, which representing trinity, surrounded by 12 pigeons.
An opportunity for peace
The harmony of harmony - whose ethical content is now available again - does not require the hiding of one's own cultural background out of consideration. What is the meaning of research in this area? Rather, it educates to recognize the differentness of a foreign identity towards one's own as equivalent and therefore also to accept the medieval worldview in our sound system. Pupils - with whatever cultural background - can learn how indoctrination works, visible in the manipulative interference in a fact that is mathematically and physically different. After the music of the emotional world is close, such interventions are particularly powerful, in addition in the earlier, pronounced hierarchical structures (see blog B 27). This enables access to the world of thought and to the educational environment of our ancestors.
At the same time, they get to know the religious -neutral point of view of science, which always separates the factual from the person and is therefore particularly beneficial for intercultural dialogue. This makes it possible to read critically and at a given distance in the traces of history that is a human history. In order to be able to ensure this, science in the mode of the description and allows no interventions in cultural goods in their own ranks, which aims at a reinterpretation in the sense of falsification of the original intention. In your eyes, that would be synonymous with document or documents for falsification. This in turn does not mean that people would be agreed the right to cultural change, but those who have committed themselves to the documentation must not put things on their own.
The interpretation of the cross presented above as a "plus" can serve as evidence that political surrounding fields make adjustments to their own objectives. The motivation in the present case was Switzerland's candidacy for the UN Security Council. Other forms of government would deal with the existing memorial in other ways. Therefore, a considerable part of the cultural -historical work must be invested in the securing of the research subject to the respective zeitgeist, the interests of which are somewhere else. But at some point the time is ripe for society to turn to things with recessed objectivity.
Working against the spirit of time and protecting cultural assets from disregard and thus also from destruction, an essential additional effort in connection with cultural studies, because there are always exists. In this respect, with the inclusion of this page in the web archive of the Swiss National Library -which was made due to this special reference to Switzerland -a first important step is taken (see blog B 26).
Strategic thinking in particular looks like the harmony love, since it is considered to be a pronounced weakness, to push aside at an early stage, since the focus is on the goal -oriented enforcement of one's own interests. Therefore, it is regularly the painful experiences of wars - as is currently in Ukraine - which of the harmony teaching return their importance.
Neutrality in the political context - this is how it was seen in Switzerland so far - offers the best possible prerequisite for working with the necessary persistence to find consensus in advance. This activity is not unlike the vote of an instrument, because the point where consonance and dissonances are brought into a synergetic interaction from an impartial position marks a special special case in acoustic chaos. It was not for nothing that the concert stimmer Emil Olbrich (see blog A 21) repeatedly described his work as a "solution to the Gordian node with peaceful means". Concert visitors, who consider an orderly sound system to be a matter of course, is usually not aware that it is not exactly that, but an acoustic catastrophe avoided with effort and great expertise - and as fragile as peace. To achieve it requires precision and differentiation.
An instructive parable The architecture of a perfect tuning is an extremely fragile structure that suggests as if the sounds know from each other and take into account. Pure intervals merge in the spectrum of the shades and create connections even over large distances. Floating lines together well -ordered and combined where there were differences before. Your pulsation has the largest part in the emotive effect and gives the lecture strength and force. Vibration cascades, symmetries are created in exciting and low -tension areas, followed by clarity of surprise. With this sound material, grief, horror, joy and happiness can be evoked. The large number of compositions reveals a variety of variants that still exceeds those of the chess game. In addition, differentiated, graded instrument characters interact with each other at equally differentiated volume. An example can be found in the following menu: cultural environment
This reflection of the human fate touches the souls, but such beauty as well as life itself are only of limited duration. From the awareness of your own deliveries and especially from the deprivation, music is perceived and long -term longing - and because they appear in the same way, love, harmony and peace have been associated with the divine: Musica Donum dei.
Therefore, the term harmony of ἁρμονία is derived, the Greek goddess of harmony. As the daughter of the ARES (God of War) and the Aphrodite (goddess of love), she embodies the compatibility of the different in person. Therefore, for the reasons mentioned above, it was obvious to transfer this ability to music. However, their real core competence can be described as interpersonal-diplomatic. In Roman mythology, she has an equivalent in the goddess concordia.
Due to the fact that we are dealing with a global ethos, it turns out to be extremely overdue to include the UNESCO list of intangible world cultural heritage, because civilizational progress is unthinkable without synergy.
Why do we look into the past? Because there are the answers for the future
Contemporary reference:
The attack on Ukraine Both in terms of the striving for political supremacy and in terms of dealing with nature, the strategic procedure struggles these days as a model of success - and will lose it in both cases in a shameful way. We are already witnesses to a humanitarian, economic and ecological disaster. His side effects include: history cleavage, fakenews and repression. Even the general assertion that love of peace characterizes the weak people proves to be bare polemics, because civil courage demands brave solo alone in view of a threat with unforeseeable consequences. Marina Owsjannikowa's campaign on Russian state television on March 14, 2022 may also serve as an example, since - with a Ukrainian father and a Russian mother - like ἁρμονία - it represents a connecting element in personam and therefore has a special qualification.
Marina Owsjannikowa's campaign on Russian state television. Your poster, which shows the flags of Ukraine and Russia, is labeled with the words: "No war/stop this war/does the propaganda do not believe/here you will be lied to/Russians against war"
The much-heard criticism of humanity as a whole - here expressed by the Swiss ambassador Claude Wild after his departure from Ukraine - does not hire the core of the matter, since in all cultures people with great affinity live on intercultural and synergetic action, including pronounced bridge builders . This civilian group - which also includes the majority of refugees, the helpers, donors and peace demonstrators - has no pronounced power interest. Therefore, it is crucial for the control of power, which enables direct democracy in an ideally possible democracy.
The special relationship between Switzerland to the Western harmony is primarily given by the political implementation of the underlying insights. In no other country in the world, the power is so clear to the people for individual decisions. Here people can take their living conditions into their own hands. In and of itself a daily reason to celebrate, provided that globalization of such freedom could only be thought closely.
It goes without saying that self -proclaimed rulers are hostile to democracy. Conversely, the rejection of their self -service mentality towards their own population has already been admitted and is confirmed by the influence of education and opinion formation. Therefore, the dissent remains in global view and is inviolable due to the atomic balance of power, unless there is a change within your own country.
As an integral part of the general education, the civil export of the cultural assets harmony would have the meaning of promoting synergetic action regardless of all differences. This enables the same importance of the same importance in other cultures. The focus is therefore not on the elimination, but, as well as within democracy, on the acceptance of the different, even if dictatorships associated the love of freedom and peace, primarily with refusal to follow.
What may still appear to some people like a beauty idealization has long since become a system-relevant and survival requirement for all of humanity, the daily disregard of which costs a high price. Hope does not yet have to be given up that technical progress can still follow civilizational progress in the long run. However, António Guterres found clear words in terms of warlike arguments as well as in terms of dealing with nature and concluded that everything was now said and that the actions counted alone. Humanity is challenged at the point where it has so far proven itself the least:
Synergy: The only way to peace and to maintain our habitat
The different faces of neutrality
Since neutrality is always in relation to something else, more precisely: between something else, its importance depends on the framework conditions.
- As a rule, it means political neutrality to refrain from taking part in the party in order to be able to take a mediator role at the negotiating table. The location of this form of neutrality is - as can be seen from the designation mediator (mediator) - figuratively spoken in the middle.
- However, this presupposes not to be attacked, because then the waiver of taking part in part would be equivalent to suicide if it is also the attacker who executes the process. In the end, only armament protects against attacks.
- If a form of government that feels committed to yourself is attacked in another state, the insistence on neutrality must be equated with failure to provide assistance and means to be able to decorate your own values.
- Confronted with the injustice compared to a weakness, the waiver of participation in the partisan becomes indifference. Desmond Tutu went even further by formulating: "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you chose the oppressor's site."
- The reminder to Switzerland in connection with EU sanctions to reflect on its neutrality - which meant to keep out - shows a conflict of goals that is due to the structure of the matter, because party must be taken for peace.
- Neutrality also includes no benefit from conflicts. In this regard, Switzerland has become more important than once.
- The distance that science strives in strict separation of personal and factual strives cannot be reached in the political sector, since "the matter" is about personal-human interests and state of mind.
- Neutrality towards being human is only an abstract size for everyone who is human. The neutralization of a person means his elimination because he is then definitely a bit of a standstill.
- Neutrality (Latin ne -utrum "Neither of Neither") is not a goal, especially since the framework conditions cannot be determined in advance, and the intention to stay out of everything is only passive. Synergy orientation, on the other hand, is compatible with democracy and strives for peaceful cooperation inside and out despite existing disagreements. Peace work requires activity. Where it takes place - again in analogy to the musical mood - the term neutrality is inappropriate, because nothing happens on its own.
Conflict prevention, previous agreement or neutrality? NO-bullying contract of school class 5b of the primary school in Niederrohrdorf. Please click for enlargement.
- After evolution demands the constant adaptation of each species to the current conditions, there may also be no neutrality. The term "climate -neutral" suggests that people are an active part within a system that he is changing.
- The concept of "cooperative neutrality" presented by Federal President Ignazio Cassis 2022 in Davos leads to further complication, increases the need for discussion that is already necessary in democracies and leads away from the actual task. At the heart of the matter is about fairness in the global play. Anyone who plays along cannot be the impartial - in analogy to football. This is the responsibility of the UN, in which 193 countries have come together to secure world peace. The particular interests stand against each other there, which increases at least an approximation of impartiality. Every state can make support by committed to the humanistic ideal of the harmony, because those who have the whole thing in view and are interested in the suffering of the other person can not recognize any benefits in strategic solutions.
- For a state with a world call for precision instruments like Switzerland, it would be time to choose a precise term in such an important matter, which fits the inner structure of a direct democracy. The term neutrality, which has already become a kind of trademark for Switzerland, does not mean anything in itself, but synergy orientation actually actually plus a plus for peace.
- The civilization quantum leap could only be done from a direct democracy, but not from a dictatorship. It is a process of collective ethical insight, not primarily for armament - if it should not be missing for the time being.
Against the background of the above explanations, the proposal seems to speak instead of neutrality, synergy, harmony or peace orientation.
Realistic or unrealistic: Switzerland - a peace activist?
In any case, the idea of an armed peace bringer and protector of the arts would not be new. To enlarge, please click on the illustrations.
Minerva as a peace bringer with the owl of wisdom. 1615/1620, Peter Candid (workshop), Bavarian State Painting Collections, Alte Pinakothek Munich.
Minerva defends the 7 free arts against the war god Mars. A burning city in the background. The Bote of the gods Mercury approaches from the clouds to deliver the victory laurel and the palm branch of peace. Cembalobem painting by Hieronymus Franconia III (*1611- † after 1661), Düsseldorf, private property. The meaning of this instrument painting is only understandable against the background of the rediscovered ethical content of the Western harmony, which is directed against any form of strategic thinking. Here Minerva does not stay neutral, but reaches for weapons.
The undoubtedly minerva-inspired Helvetia with shield and spear. County on the two-franc piece according to a design by Albert Walch (1816-1882). The stars symbolized the number of cantons at the time.
Helvetia with an armored fist and sign with Medusenhaupt, detail from the above presentation of the Minerva
How far can an armed defense of peace go? Freedom is needed to make a decision adapted to the situation. The armament distinguishes both Minerva and Helvetia from a helpless pacifist. The uncertainty with the attacker regarding the expected resistance increases the deterrent effect. A medus head on the sign alone is no longer sufficient.
The situation today (see also blog C6: "selection - education - selection. Society and its children")
Federal Councilor Viola Amherd, head of the Federal Department of Defense, Population Protection and Sport
Fighter plane Lockheed Martin F 35
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